Businesses that genuinely care about their impact on the ocean - and the planet

SeaLegacy aligns with businesses that genuinely care about their impact on our ocean and the planet in our Good Ocean community. We look to partner with businesses proactively attentive to the growing consumer demand for accountability in how products are made, sold, and marketed. Whether you work in the ocean space or not, we believe that small to medium-sized businesses are uniquely positioned to create change fast. In doing so, we are able to create disruption in the retail industry, taking tangible steps toward systemic change.

We vet members of The Good Ocean based on their commitment to sustainability, ethics, and employment practices, particularly seeking those who aspire to meet and exceed conservation best practices across their total supply chain and within their employment ecosystems. They are eager to learn, evolve, and implement improvements to benefit their suppliers, employees, and consumers, as well as the planet and our ocean.

Interested in rebuilding the ocean together as a Good Ocean member? Explore more about this amazing opportunity here.